I am stuck on problem 7.3 from the book 'The Elements of Statistical Learning'. This is the problem:
Here is my attempt to a solution for least-squares projections:
$$y_i-\hat f(x_i)=y_i-x_i^T(X_{-i}^TX_{-i})^{-1}X_{-i}^Ty,$$
where $X_{-i}$ is the matrix of training-example predictors with $i^{th}$ example (row) removed. Next I write $$X_{-i}^TX_{-i}=X^TX-x_ix_i^T$$ and $$X_{-i}^Ty_{-i}=X^Ty-x_iy_i.$$ Therefore,
$$y_i-\hat f(x_i)=y_i-x_i^T(X^TX-x_ix_i^T)^{-1}(X^Ty-x_iy_i).$$ I am not able to proceed further. It would be helpful if someone can give a hint to solve this problem.