I have the epidemiological data [xlsx] [csv] of the 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone.
I wanted to model the outbreak with both the SIR compartmental model
$$ \begin{align} {\mathrm d S \over \mathrm d t} &= -\beta {S I \over N}\\[1.5ex] {\mathrm d I \over \mathrm d t} &= \beta {S I \over N} - \gamma I \\[1.5ex] {\mathrm d R \over \mathrm d t} &= \gamma I \\ \end{align} $$
and the SEIR compartmental model
$$ \begin{align} {\mathrm d S \over \mathrm d t} &= -\beta {S I \over N}\\[1.5ex] {\mathrm d E \over \mathrm d t} &= \beta {S I \over N} - \delta E \\[1.5ex] {\mathrm d I \over \mathrm d t} &= \delta E - \gamma I \\[1.5ex] {\mathrm d R \over \mathrm d t} &= \gamma I \\ \end{align} $$
pretty much like it was (claimed to be) done on page 7 of the printed version of this paper.
Since the S(E)IR models don't admit a close analytical solution I modelled them in Matlab with a couple of .m files for each model.
and SEIR
functions return the cumulative state (what I interpreted as the integral of each state variable) of the system since I only have the cumulative data from the epidemiologic bulletins.
% Returns a function that returns the evaluation of the ODE defining the
% system at time t.
% Using a High-order function saves me from learning how to pass
% parameters to the function used by the ODE solvers :P
function ode = SIR_factory(beta, gamma, N)
%Returns an array with [dS/dt dI/dt dR/dt]
ode = @(t,y) [
%y(1) = S, y(2) = I, y(3) = R
% For some reason the function must handle the input x in a matrix form or
% the fitting app invocation of this function will throw a matrix concat
% error
% beta and gamma are the system parameters
% S0 and I0 are the initial conditions
% x is the time at which the state of the system is requested
% i is the index of the state of the system to return (1 = S, 2 = I, 3 =
% R)
function R = SIR(beta, gamma, S0, I0, x, i)
%Total population is S0 (Susceptible individual) plus I0 (Infected
%ones), this means R0 is implicitly 0
N = S0 + I0;
%Find the max of the matrix
M = max(max(x));
%Pre-allocate the output
R = zeros(size(x, 1), size(x, 2));
%Solve the system, from time 0 to the max time requested, with the
%initial conditions given
[t,y] = ode45(SIR_factory(beta, gamma, N), [0 M], [S0, I0, 0]);
%Comput the "integral" of the state variable requested
y = cumtrapz(t, y(:,i));
%Fill the output (Ugly)
for r=1:size(R,1)
for c=1:size(R,2)
R(r,c) = interp1q(t, y, x(r, c));
% Returns a function that returns the evaluation of the ODE defining the
% system at time t.
% Using a High-order function saves me from learning how to pass
% parameters to the function used by the ODE solvers :P
function ode = SEIR_factory(beta, gamma, delta, N)
%Returns an array with [dS/dt dE/dt dI/dt dR/dt]
ode = @(t,y) [
%y(1) = S, y(2) = E, y(3) = I, y(4) = R
% For some reason the function must handle the input x in a matrix form or
% the fitting app invocation of this function will throw a matrix concat
% error
% beta, gamma and delta are the system parameters
% S0 and E0 are the initial conditions
% x is the time at which the the state of the system is requested
% i is the index of the state of the system to return (1 = S, 2 = E, 3 =
% I, 4 = R)
function R = SEIR(beta, gamma, delta, S0, E0, x, i)
% The total population is the number of Susceptible individualts plus
% the Exposed one. This implicitly sets I0 = R0 = 0
N = S0 + E0;
%Max of the input matrix
M = max(max(x));
%Pre-allocate the output
R = zeros(size(x, 1), size(x, 2));
%Solve the system from time 0 to time M with the initial given
[t,y] = ode45(SEIR_factory(beta, gamma, delta, N), [0 M], [S0, E0, 0, 0]);
%Compute the "integral" of the required state
y = cumtrapz(t, y(:,i));
%Fill the output matrix
for r=1:size(R,1)
for c=1:size(R,2)
R(r,c) = interp1q(t,y,x(r, c));
The intent is to fit these models the data of the outbreak.
To do so, I converted the report dates into days since the first report and for each row computed the number of infected individuals as the Total cases minus the Total Deaths.
The resulting CSV is here.
The original data, as an .xlsx file, are here.
To get an idea of the data, here is an excerpt
I read this data into Matlab, after adding the appropriate path, as
>>>DATA = csvread('ebola-sierra-leone-inf.csv')
>>>DAYS = DATA(:,1)
>>>INF = DATA(:,2)
Then I used the Curve fitting app to fit the models.
The fitting session .sfit file is here.
In the year 2014 the Sierra Leone population was about 7.079 millions which I use as the initial $S_0$ subtracted an unknown quantity representing the $I_0$ (SIR) or $E_0$ (SEIR) variable.
I create a SEIR fitting, using DAYS
as X data and INF
as Y data.
I chose a custom equation of expression SIR(b, c, 7079000 - I, I, x, 2)
that represents a SEIR model with parameters b
($\beta$) and c
($\gamma$) (all constrained in [0, 1] and with initial values of 0.5) and returns the cumulative number of infected individual over time.
The fitting parameter I
is constrained in [0, $\infty$) and has an initial value of 1.
I create a SEIR fitting, using DAYS
as X data and INF
as Y data.
I chose a custom equation of expression SEIR(b, c, d, 7079000 - E, E, x, 3)
that represents a SEIR model with parameters b
($\beta$), c
($\gamma$) and d
($\delta$) (all constrained in [0, 1] and with initial values of 0.5) and return the cumulative number of infected individual over time.
The fitting parameter E
is constrained in [0, $\infty$) and has an initial value of 1.
Matlab finds a very poor fit.
General model:
f(x) = SIR(b, c, 7079000 - I, I, x, 2)
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
I = 21 (16.63, 25.38)
b = 0.9999 (-0.1879, 2.188)
c = 1 (-0.1859, 2.186)
Goodness of fit:
SSE: 3.124e+08
R-square: 0.9153
Adjusted R-square: 0.9147
RMSE: 1092
General model:
f(x) = SEIR(b, c, d, 7079000 - E, E, x, 3)
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
E = 43.96 (-20.21, 108.1)
b = 0.9989 (-2.32, 4.318)
c = 1 (-2.317, 4.317)
d = 1 (fixed at bound)
Goodness of fit:
SSE: 3.252e+08
R-square: 0.9119
Adjusted R-square: 0.9112
RMSE: 1114
... if I change the population count from about 7.079 million to 70.790 (1/100 of the original) both fitting improve
Obviously, I'm doing something wrong conceptually and/or numerically.
How can I fit a S(E)IR model to the epidemiological data?