I am trying to forecast a time series using auto. arima. My command is,
auto.arima(X, stationary = F, ic = "aic", stepwise = T, trace = T, test = "adf", allowdrift = F, allowmean = T, lambda = BoxCox.lambda(prd.xts, method = "loglik"), biasadj = T);
My original time series has 36 observations (monthly for 3 years). When plotting the fitted vs original values, I found the fitted value to be a negative one. Please find below the original and fitted:
[1] 5200 4420 5297 6815 8385 8000 5700 6610 5810 5680 4100 4750 2205 4748 5170 8050 8900 7050 6810
[20] 7030 5890 7160 6405 5370 5360 7649 7730 9090 10174 7775
[1] 4932.4310 4935.5587 4003.1725 5045.8954 6690.9964 8315.6047 7920.8435 5495.5020 6474.9251 5616.1591
[11] 5473.4794 3585.5492 4409.2808 -716.4241 4406.8788 4901.2397 7972.2124 8841.2718 6937.2260 6685.7413
[21] 6916.3253 5703.4412 7052.0103 6257.4684 5128.3367 5117.0722 7559.2477 7642.8563 9034.6446 10133.6204
Looking at these two closely, we can observe, 14th element in original series is: 4748 & in fitted (ARIMA modelled) is -716.4241.
I am a novice in Time series forecasting. The best model auto.arima spits out is arima(0,1,0) with an AIC of 964.095.
My questions: 1) Is the model correct? Is it alright, if the fitted value is negative? 2) Would it be reasonable to have just 36 observations to do a monthly forecasting?
Any help would be much appreciated.
in the call toauto.arima
)? $\endgroup$