I am new in econometric and I am confused to make conclusion with Ljung-Box test and LM arch test. I used auto.arima and garch to find out relative orders for the TS and got the result as below. It seems all coefficients are fine, however, I cannot conclude whether the modle is fit by analyzing standardised residuals test as they have vary p-value. I would like to learn from you guys what your criteria would be in this case.
GARCH Modelling
garchFit(formula = ~arma(1, 1) + garch(1, 0), data = intc2,
trace = FALSE)
Mean and Variance Equation:
data ~ arma(1, 1) + garch(1, 0)
<environment: 0x00000000045ee8b0>
[data = intc2]
Conditional Distribution:
mu ar1 ma1 omega alpha1
0.0060629 0.4602704 -0.5562739 0.0034931 0.1270859
Std. Errors:
based on Hessian
Error Analysis:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
mu 0.0060629 0.0019137 3.168 0.00153 **
ar1 0.4602704 0.1464651 3.143 0.00167 **
ma1 -0.5562739 0.1419436 -3.919 8.89e-05 (3*)
omega 0.0034931 0.0002361 14.792 < 2e-16 (3*)
alpha1 0.1270859 0.0495262 2.566 0.01029 (1*)
Signif. codes: 0 ‘(3*)’ 0.001 ‘(2*)’ 0.01 ‘(1*)’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Log Likelihood:
1012.501 normalized: 1.350001
Tue Nov 28 00:02:34 2017 by user: ac
Standardised Residuals Tests:
Jarque-Bera Test R Chi^2 :Statistic: 52.88447 p-Value: 3.283152e-12
Shapiro-Wilk Test R W 0.9904564 ;8.781227e-05
Ljung-Box Test R Q(10) 14.35376 ;0.1574584
Ljung-Box Test R Q(15) 22.47159 ;0.09602165
Ljung-Box Test R Q(20) 25.98429 ;0.1663314
Ljung-Box Test R^2 Q(10) 16.05112 ;0.09817849
Ljung-Box Test R^2 Q(15) 24.24917 ;0.06098122
Ljung-Box Test R^2 Q(20) 30.81672 ;0.05765708
LM Arch Test R TR^2 16.61766 ;0.1645545
Information Criterion Statistics: