In chapter 5.5 of this book, they discuss how a lot of these model selection criteria arise. They start with Akaike's FPE criterion for AR models, and then go on to discuss AIC, AICc and BIC. They walk through the derivations pretty thoroughly.
What these have in common is that they investigate what happens when you use some observed in-sample data $\{X_t\}$ to estimate the model parameters, and then look at some loss function (mean square prediction error or KL divergence) on some unobserved/hypothetical out-of-sample data $\{Y_t\}$ that arises from using the estimated model on this new data. The main ideas are that a) you take the expectation with respect to all of the data, and 2) use some asymptotic results to get expressions for some of the expectations. The quantity from (1) gives you expected overall performance, but (2) assumes you have a lot more data than you actually do. I am no expert, but I assume that cross-validation approaches target these measures of performance as well; but instead of considering the out-of-sample data hypothetical, they use real data that was split off from the training data.
The simplest example is the FPE criterion. Assume you estimate your AR model on the entire data (kind of like the test-set), and obtain $\{\hat{\phi}_i\}_i$. Then the expected loss on the unobserved data $\{Y_t\}$ (it's hypothetical, not split apart like in cross-validation) is
& E(Y_{n+1} -\hat{\phi}_1Y_n -\cdots - \hat{\phi}_p Y_{n+1-p} )^2 \\
&= E(Y_{n+1} -\phi_1Y_n -\cdots - \phi_p Y_{n+1-p} - \\
& \hspace{30mm} (\hat{\phi}_1 - \phi_1)Y_n - \cdots - (\hat{\phi}_p - \phi_p) Y_{n+1-p} )^2 \\
&= E( Z_t + (\hat{\phi}_1 - \phi_1)Y_n - \cdots - (\hat{\phi}_p - \phi_p) Y_{n+1-p} )^2 \\
&= \sigma^2 + E[E[((\hat{\phi}_1 - \phi_1)Y_n - \cdots - (\hat{\phi}_p - \phi_p) Y_{n+1-p} )^2 | \{X_t\} ]] \\
&= \sigma^2 + E\left[ \sum_{i=1}^p \sum_{j=1}^p (\hat{\phi}_i - \phi_i)(\hat{\phi}_j - \phi_j)E\left[ Y_{n+1-i}Y_{n+1-j} |\{X_t\} \right] \right] \\
&= \sigma^2 + E[({\hat{\phi}}_p -{\phi}_p )' \Gamma_p ({\hat{\phi}}_p -{\phi}_p )] \\
&\approx \sigma^2 ( 1 + \frac{p}{n}) \tag{typo in book: $n^{-1/2}$ should be $n^{1/2}$} \\
&\approx \frac{n \hat{\sigma}^2}{n-p} ( 1 + \frac{p}{n}) = \hat{\sigma}^2 \frac{n+p}{n-p} \tag{$n \hat{\sigma}^2/\sigma^2$ approx. $\chi^2_{n-p}$ }. \\
I don't know of any papers off the top of my head that compare empirically the performance of these criteria with cross validation techniques. However this book does give a lot of resources about how FPE,AIC,AICc and BIC compare with each other.