This is 100% curiosity, so I apologize if the question is under-constrained. If so, please comment with where my thinking is misguided!
Can a feedforward neural network predict a sinusoidal relationship? In the simplest case, where y can be reliably predicted as sin(x) (that is, f(x) = sin(x)). Can this be accomplished without recurrent nodes?
Apologies if the maths are obvious! Without an LSTM or other augmentation, can a standard neural network learn a sinusoidal relationship from back-propagation?
I'm most curious about theoretical constraints. Are there provably lower bounds on the number of nodes or layers that would be required to model the relationship (if possible)?
As a toy example, I put together a really, really simple example with the scikit MLP regressor:
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Fs = 8000
f = 5
sample = 8000
x = np.arange(sample)
y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / Fs) # sine
y = x.copy() # linear sanity check of network performance
model = MLPRegressor()
num_sims = 100
with_noise = np.empty((num_sims, sample))
for i in range(num_sims):
with_noise[i, :] = np.random.rand(1, sample) + y
# now with a neural network
x_expanded = np.tile(x, (num_sims, 1)), with_noise)
predictions = model.predict(x.reshape(1, -1))
plt.plot(x, np.squeeze(predictions))
In the linear example (i.e., the y = x.copy(), I'm paranoid about shallow copies...), the network, unsurprisingly, does a fine job. In the case of the sine, it falls down pretty hard.
Again, just a curiosity! I don't typically work with periodic data, so this was interesting to me.