Perkins et al. (2007) introduce a "skill score" for measuring climate model output against observations. The score basically consists of measuring the overlap between probability density functions of the model (m), and the observations (o); for some variable (eg. maximum daily temperature). It is calculated as
$$S_{score} = \int^\infty_{-\infty} min[pdf(m),\ pdf(o)]$$
I'm trying to wrap my head around bayesian conditional distributions, and not getting far. This seems related, in that it's some measure of the likelihood of the model being a good estimate of the observations. However, I can't figure out if it's equivalent or not.
Given $P(m|o) = \frac{P(o|m)P(m)}{P(o)}$, is it correct that $P(m)=\int^\infty_{-\infty} pdf(m)=1$, and the same for the obs? Or am I missing something big here?