The boruta algorithm performs the following steps. (here). Can anyone explain me what exactly the z-score means in this context?
I am referring to point 5 and 6 in the following list. I only know the general formula of the z-score: $z = \frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}$
1.Create duplicate copies of all independent variables. When the number of independent variables in the original data is less than 5, create at least 5 copies using existing variables.
2.Shuffle the values of added duplicate copies to remove their correlations with the target variable. It is called shadow features or permuted copies.
3.Combine the original ones with shuffled copies
4.Run a random forest classifier on the combined dataset and performs a variable importance measure (the default is Mean Decrease Accuracy) to evaluate the importance of each variable where higher means more important.
5.Then Z score is computed. It means mean of accuracy loss divided by standard deviation of accuracy loss.
6.Find the maximum Z score among shadow attributes (MZSA)
7.Tag the variables as 'unimportant' when they have importance significantly lower than MZSA. Then we permanently remove them from the process.
8.Tag the variables as 'important' when they have importance significantly higher than MZSA.
9.Repeat the above steps for predefined number of iterations (random forest runs), or until all attributes are either tagged 'unimportant' or 'important', whichever comes first.