Intraclass Correlations using Mcgraw and Wong conventions defines 5 ICC´s for single scores. I am interested in calculating both Two-way random, single measures, absolute agreement (Sometimes abbreviated as ICC 2.1A) and Two-way random, single measures, consistency (Sometimes abbreviated as ICC 2.1C).
Link to Wikipedia page with overview.
The first(ICC 2.1A) is easy as several packages (e.g. "irr", "rel", "psysch") support this:
Two-way random, single measures, absolute agreement (ICC 2.1A)
icc(ratings, model = c("twoway"),
type = c("agreement"),
unit = c("single"), r0 = 0, conf.level = 0.95)
But I am unsure about how to calculate the Two-way random, single measures, consistency. I read the package helpfiles as if the packages support Two-way mixed, single measures, consistency (ICC 3.1C), but not 2.1C.
That is, I think the below code gives me ICC 3.1C and not 2.1C
icc(ratings, model = c("twoway"),
type = c("consistency"),
unit = c("single"), r0 = 0, conf.level = 0.95)
Can anyone help me either find a package that calculates Two-way random, single measures, consistency or alternatively guide me on how to calculate it using a mixed model.