As we know, the gradient of ridge regression is: $$ g = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta} = -X_i^T(y_i-X_i\theta)+2\lambda\theta $$ where $X_i$ is the $i$th training sample. The update of $\theta$ is then: $$ \theta^+ =\theta-\eta g $$ with learning rate $\eta$.
My question is: If $\lambda$ is very huge, then the first term in gradient $-X_i^T(y_i-X_i\theta)$ can be ignored, which means lost function cannot be optimized since $g$ is irrelevant to training sample. Am I wrong about this? (The thing is: I tried to use python package to run ridge regression, and the regularization parameter $\lambda$ is a huge value, obtained from validation set. Then I tried to implement stochastic gradient descent (as a comparison), but I found the lost cannot decrease to the lost obtained from python model. Actually, the lost doesn't decrease at all with this huge $\lambda$.)