I have a very basic understanding of Gaussian Processes. From what I understand, a Guassian process for a set $X$, is the assignment of a Gaussian distribution to every element of the set. This is meant to expand the idea of a function to the case where we don't have total information about a function.
I have a question about how we compute the entropy of a Gaussian Process over here. I also asked about whether or not we can compose Gaussian Processes and that question is here.
This question combines those other ones. Suppose we have entropies, $S_f$ and $S_g$, for two Gaussian Processes, $\mathcal{G}_f, \mathcal{G}_g$. Next, suppose we can compose two Gaussian Processes, $\mathcal{G}_f \cdot \mathcal{G}_g$. Is the entropy for the composition a simple function of the individual entropies?
ie $$S_{\mathcal{G}_f \cdot \mathcal{G}_g} = F(S_f, S_g)$$