I built a dozen of different models using caret
package for classifying customer purchase habits into 5 categories (catA, catB, catC, catD, none) based on 4 numeric predictors (independent variables).
My dataset contains 10,000 customers that have already been categorised:
Category Predictor1 Predictor2 Predictor3 Predictor4
catA 1.7211 0.6222 -0.0693 2.9370
catA 2.4935 -1.0456 -1.1256 0.2146
catB 0.2413 -0.8871 0.4987 -0.6123
catC -0.8276 2.6629 2.9298 -0.1048
catC -0.4402 2.1939 -1.8686 -0.0591
catC 1.6719 2.9085 2.7920 2.3501
catD -1.6504 -0.1378 -1.2276 2.7824
catD 2.5917 -0.0586 -1.2981 1.0934
catA -1.2885 -1.8646 1.3895 2.5428
none 0.8258 -0.3217 0.9551 2.6105
My categories are unbalanced:
. catA: 3,100 samples
. catB: 3,000 samples
. catC: 3,200 samples
. catD: 200 samples
. none: 500 samples
Using this dataset, I applied the following method:
1) Split dataset into 80% training and 20% testing sets
2) Train discriminant analysis models using 10-fold cross validation (repeated 3 times)
3) Test the final model on the test set
From there I selected the 3 best discriminant analysis models with the highest F1 score (I read that it is more suitable than the accuracy measure for unbalanced multi-class classifier).
These 3 models show very close accuracy metrics like so:
Model Accuracy Kappa
model_1 0.943 0.891
model_2 0.931 0.887
model_3 0.947 0.893
For the 3 models, looking at the metrics for each category, we can see that 'catD' and 'none' are less accurate than the others:
Model Category Sensitivity Specificity Neg_Pred_Value Precision F1 Prevalence Detection_Rate Detection_Prevalence Balanced_Accuracy
model_1 catA 0.9606 0.9744 0.9867 0.9261 0.9430 0.2502 0.2404 0.2595 0.9675
model_1 catB 0.9459 0.9745 0.9800 0.9315 0.9386 0.2683 0.2538 0.2725 0.9602
model_1 catC 0.9853 0.9779 0.9950 0.9365 0.9603 0.2481 0.2445 0.2611 0.9816
model_1 catD 0.5833 0.9957 0.9921 0.7241 0.6461 0.0186 0.0108 0.0150 0.7895
model_1 none 0.3396 0.9857 0.9625 0.5806 0.4285 0.0549 0.0186 0.0321 0.6626
My problem is that when I predict categories on a new dataset (for which I do not know the outcomes), the 3 models give me completely different stories.
For example, 'model_1' assigns only 2 categories in total (e.g. 'catA' and 'none'), whereas 'model_2' predicts 3 different ones (e.g. 'catB', 'catC', 'catD') and model_3 find all categories. Also, the numbers of sample assigned to each category are very different between the 3 models.
- Although all these 3 models show good accuracy metrics on the test set, could they be all overfitted and wrong? (And how could I check that?)
- Is there a way to know which one of the 3 models is the most accurate when classifying on the new unseen dataset?