Say we are given a time series $(x_t)_{t \in P}$ where $P$ is the index set of past observations (train set).
Imagine that we have built a model for our data and now want to assess predictability of the time series. To this end suppose we are given $(x_t)_{t \in F}$ where $F$ is the index set of future observations (test set). I am interested in finding a good definition of predictability (relative to the model) in this context.
For $t\in F$ denote $\hat x_t$ the prediction of $x_t$. A natural performance metric would be: \begin{align*} MSE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{|F|}\sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - x_t|^2}. \end{align*} Now, the idea would be to compare this performance of the model with the performance on shuffled data $(s_t)_{t\in F}$ where $s_t = x_{\sigma(t)}$ and $\sigma$ is a random permutation of $F$, i.e. define the quantity: \begin{align*} \alpha = 1-\sqrt{\frac{\sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - x_t|^2}{\sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - s_t|^2}}. \end{align*}
In other words, $\alpha$ is the quotient of the MSE of "normal" data over the MSE of "shuffled" data. $\alpha \approx 0$ implies $\sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - x_t|^2<<\sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - s_t|^2$ suggesting that the model captured some structure in the series (high predictability), and $\alpha \approx 1$ implies $\sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - x_t|^2 \approx \sum_{t\in F} |\hat x_t - s_t|^2$ suggesting that the model capture no structure at all in the series (low predictability).
By playing around with toy models of the form $x_t = f(d_t) + e_t$ where $d_t$ is a deterministic sequence and $e_t$ are i.i.d. $\mathcal{N}(0,\tau^2)$, computing $\alpha$ for different calibrations of $\tau$ result in a clear increasing curve from 0 to 1 where the small values corresponds to small values of $\tau$ and vice and versa. There is a good alignement with the intuition of predictability in this case when we compare the value of $\alpha$ and the shape of the series. But does this make sense at all? How would one declare that $\alpha$ is small enough to declare unpredictability or high enough to declare predictability?