I am assigning Low | Medium | High activity levels to users once a week.
At the end of an entire period,a user has been assign n weekly activity levels among {Low, Medium, High}.
Let k be the total number of users, then the data table would look like this:
User Week_1 Week_2 ... Week_n
User_1 Low Low ... High
User_2 Medium Low ... Low
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
User_k High Medium ... Medium
How would you formulate a metric within [0,1] that quantifies the "stickiness" of user, that is, the variability of it's activity label over the entire period.
With such a metric, a user which is assigned always the same activity level (let's say, n times "High"), would have a 100% metric.
Thanks in Advance for your suggestions!