I've been reading several questions asked in this website but I couldn't quite find the answer that I'm looking for.
It seems that my experimental design it's not that typical. It goes like this: I work with plant's genetics, and the idea is to compare seed viability among different plant genotypes (plant's genotype would be my predictor variable). The way I obtain my data is by taking some plant's fruits (from each genotype) and counting collapsed seeds vs normal seeds (we consider only these two categories). The fruits are taken from each plant in a random way, so it's not a repeated mesures kind of desing.
If I understand correctly, I may need to use a mixed effects model, since I count normal vs collapsed on ~ 5 fruits from 10 plants for each genotype, and I would like to include "plant" as a random effect in the model (since I would like to report that the 5 fruits are from the same plant).
Also, since I have only two categories for my response variable, I understand I could use a logistic regression model, from all the reading I've been doing. As I've coded it, my response variable would be a two column matrix with the number of "collapsed" on the left and the number of "normal" on the right, and each row would represent a fruit (from each plant and from each genotype). As you can see, I want to compare genotypes, but the thing is I don't take information DIRECTLY from them, since I analyze seeds which are nested whithin plants which are nested between genotypes. That's why I didn't built my data set with 0s and 1s in my response variable, and I don't know if this is correct.
Regarding this last comment, my question (finally): is it correct to apply mixed logistic regression (glmm) for this kind of experimental design? Is the way I entered my response variable correct?
The model I would implement (in Rstudio) is the following
model<- glmer(binomial_response ~ genotype + (1|plant),
family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = dataset)
I look forward to your replies, and sorry in advance for the extent of my explanation!