I have been generate the ARIMA using R software and getting the result, but I don't know how to write the equation.
How should I do? Thank you.
I have been generate the ARIMA using R software and getting the result, but I don't know how to write the equation.
How should I do? Thank you.
You have an ARIMA(3,2,3) model. This means that the second order differences (that is the middle "2") follow an ARMA(3,3) process.
We use the backshift operator $B$,
$$ By_t := y_t-y_{t-1}. $$
Here, you need the second order backshift,
$$ B^2y_t = B(y_t-y_{t-1}) = By_t-By_{t-1} = (y_t-y_{t-1}) - (y_{t-1}-y_{t-2}) = y_t-2y_{t-1}+y_{t-2}. $$
R's convention for ARIMA models mean that your model is
$$ B^2y_t = \phi_1B^2y_{t-1} + \phi_2B^2y_{t-2} + \phi_3B^2y_{t-3} + e_t + \theta_1e_{t-1} + \theta_2e_{t-2} + \theta_3e_{t-3}, $$
where the $\phi_i$ are your ar
coefficients, $\theta_i$ are your ma
coefficients, and $e_t\sim N(0,\sigma^2)$, where you can read the estimate for $\sigma^2$ off in your output.
Yes, writing all this out and collection all the $y_{t-i}$ is tedious.
Similar questions and links can be found here and here and here.