Example: I have am building a dog vs cat classifier and I have collected data from 15 countries.
Europe: 1. UK 2. France 3. Germany 4. Italy 5. Finland
Asia: 1. India 2. China 3. Japan 4. Russia 5. South Korea
South America: 1. Brazil 2. Argentina 3. Chile 4. Uruguay 5. Peru
These are the approaches that I am aware of:
Approach 1: Collect images from all these countries, shuffle them and divide them into train, dev and test data ( 60%, 20%, 20% ).
Approach 2: Randomly select 9 folders ( 60% ) use them as training data, out of the remaining 6, chose 3 to be dev data and 3 to be test data.
Question: So I want to know which of the two approaches is better or is there any other way of dividing the dataset??.