I was looking at a kernel implementation (for text classification) and the following piece of code got me a little bit confused (I removed part of the features - in order to keep it light - as most of them are similar - e.g. number of negative, positive, neutral words):
pipeline_ = Pipeline([
('fu', FeatureUnion([
('tfdif_features', Pipeline([
('cv', CountVectorizer()),
('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
('tfidf_', Wrapper(RandomForestClassifier())),
('nb_pos_features', Pipeline([
('nb_pos', NumberSelector('posWords') ),
('nb_pos_', Wrapper(RandomForestClassifier())),
('xgb', XGBClassifier()),
At first I thought that it looks like bagging, as for each feature a base model is created, followed by boosting. But isn't the Random Forest in this case a Decision Tree? Why using Random Forest and not something else (e.g. Logistic regression)?
Any clarification will be greatly appreciated.