my basic question is: can permutation feature importance be used to identify overfitting?
when you have a binary classifcation problem with balanced classes (i.e. 70 x yes, 70 x no), when none of the predictors is relevant for the classification task you would expect an accuracy of 50% right?
We have trained an MLP with an Accuarcy of 95%, which indicated that some of the predictors are relevant for the binary classification task. We computed the permutation importance with the IML R-package, and got an permutation importance score (method difference so permutation error - baseline error) of 0.08 for only one relevant predictor. All other predictors had an importance score of 0 (no change when the predictor is shuffled)
Does this mean we are overfitting? Permutation of the only important predictor results in an decrease of accuracy of 8% we are still at an accuracy of 87% (95% baseline accuracy - 8% of that feature).
Edit - Splitting to validate overfit:
After some helpful comments suggested I need to split the data to be sure about overfit I did.
I used 100 observations (72.5% of the Data) for the Training Data in grouped 5-fold CV gave me an accuarcy of 98.04% for the hyperparameter size of 5 (5 Neurons in the single hidden layer).
Predictions based on the final caret
model about the unseen left 38 observations (27.5% of the Data) resulted in 100% Accuracy.
However the sum of my permutation feature importance (see below) is still only 6.2%. 3 Predictors are deemed relevant (permutation of them resulted in an increase of error). Yet it is unclear to me how one can interpret this result: Baseline Accuracy 98.04% - 6.2% Error increase for permutation relevant features = still 91.84% when all relevant features are permuted.
Here is my partial code, I am sorry but I cant give out a reproducable example since I dont own the data I am working with.
# preparation for the contrasting dataset
df_test <- subset(df, Class == "Control" | Class == classes[i])
df_test$Class <- factor(df_test$Class)
preproc <- select(df_test,-ID,-Class) %>% caret::preProcess(., method = c("center","scale","zv"), verbose = T)
df.contrast <- predict(preproc, df_test)
# Splitting: testing for overfit splitting of the contrast ds
partition = 0.725
train_ids = sample(unique(df.contrast$ID), size=partition*length(unique(df.contrast$ID)))
df.train = df.contrast %>% filter(ID %in% train_ids)
df.test = df.contrast %>% filter(!ID %in% train_ids)
# train the model and evaluate on test set
model <- tuneModel.contrast(df.train)
x.test <- select(df.test,-ID,-Class)
predictions.testset = caret::predict.train(model, newdata = x.test)
print(confusionMatrix(predictions.testset, df.test$Class))
Here the function used to train the model
allSummary <- function(data, lev = NULL, model = NULL){
a1 <- defaultSummary(data, lev, model)
b1 <- twoClassSummary(data, lev, model)
c1 <- prSummary(data, lev, model)
out <- c(a1, b1, c1)
# return(out)
########################## Hyperparametertuning NeuralNet (MLP) ############################
tuneModel.contrast <- function(contrast_df){
############## Caret Preparation ##############
k.folds = 5
contrast_df.folds <- groupKFold(contrast_df$ID, k = k.folds)
contrast_df.control <- trainControl( # k Folds grouped by subject cross validation, repeated 3 times
method = "repeatedcv",
number = k.folds,
repeats = 3,
index = contrast_df.folds,
savePredictions = T,
summaryFunction = allSummary,
classProbs = T
contrast_df <- select(contrast_df, -"ID")
contrast_df.tunegrid <- expand.grid(.size=c(1:(ncol(contrast_df)-1)))
metric <- "Accuracy"
# metric <- "AUC"
tic("MLP Contrasting, Hyperparameter Startegy 1: Grid Search")
mlp <- train(Class~.,
# , preProc=c("center", "scale","zv")
# M <- mlp$results
# print(sort(apply(M,2,sd), decreasing = T))