
I'm sure the answer to this question is obvious, but I can't seem to find it!

How do you calculate the confidence interval around the mean of a sample of counts?

I've made an example below in R, where I've bootstrapped confidence intervals. How do you calculate this using a formula? Is there a function in R?

# example sample of counts (n = 50, 'true' mean = 5)
set.seed(25); d <- rpois(50, 5)

# mean

# bootstrapped confidence intervals
B <- sample(d, 50 * 1000, replace = T)
B <- matrix(B, ncol = 1000)
B <- colMeans(B)
quantile(B, c(0.025, 0.975))

# mean = 4.72 (95% CI 4.14-5.34)
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Several Poisson CI's are in common use. Two of them illustrated here. Using @Demetri's (+1) simulated sample, R code set.seed(25); d = rpois(50, 5); pm = c(-1,1); (t + 2 * pm* 1.96*sqrt(t+1))/50 returns (3.513047, 5.926953). $\endgroup$
    – BruceET
    Commented Aug 31, 2019 at 18:44
  • $\begingroup$ Your code example uses Poisson counts. Is it your intention that the question be specifically about inference for the Poisson, or it is about counts more generally (as the title might suggest)? $\endgroup$
    – Glen_b
    Commented Sep 1, 2019 at 0:32
  • $\begingroup$ @Glen_b I was thinking about poisson counts, but I can think of times when more general counts would be useful. Presumably the bootstrap method would work fine regardless of the distribution, and I guess if you assume another distribution you could use a regression model (e.g. negative binomial) as in Demitri's answer? $\endgroup$
    – Dan
    Commented Sep 1, 2019 at 10:51

1 Answer 1


It's a bit nuanced.

You could pull out the big guns and use a poisson regression

# example sample of counts (n = 50, 'true' mean = 5)
d <- rpois(50, 5)

model = glm(d~1, family = poisson)

>>>    2.5 %   97.5 % 
     4.143126 5.348048 

Or you could use the normal approximation since, as $\lambda$ gets big enough, the poisson starts to look a lot like a normal (though this only really happens when $\lambda$ is really really big). Be warned, if your sample is small and your $\lambda$ is close to zero, this may result in the CI covering values less than 0

mu = mean(d)
se = sd(d)/sqrt(length(d))

c(mu-1.96*se, mu+1.96*se)

>>>[1] 4.124606 5.315394

That the two estimates differ is perfectly acceptable since they make different assumptions. I would always prefer the former since the CI is computed using profile likelihood estimates.

Lastly, there is the procedure defined here though I think it adds little value over using glm.

Here are some simulations to explore the coverage properties for both methods given your data generating process:

  d <- rpois(50, 5)
  model = glm(d~1)
  ci = confint(model)
  covered = (5<ci[2])&(ci[1]<5)

sims = purrr::rerun(1000,simGlmCi()) 
coverage = mean(unlist(sims))

  d <- rpois(50, 5)
  mu = mean(d)
  se = sd(d)/sqrt(length(d))
  covered = (5<mu+1.96*se)&(mu-1.96*se)

sims = purrr::rerun(1000,simNormalCi()) 
coverage = mean(unlist(sims))

You might be better off with the profile likelihood approach since it seems the normal approach is a bit permissive.


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