I have a dataset were I know that there are nominal independent variables (IV) with multicollinearity (by theorethical knowledge about the IV).
These IV have been created from a categorical variable via dummy coding (leaving the first one of the categorical values to be predicted by the intercept). Specifically, I use this pandas function with drop_first=True.
Therefore, I also know that these IV are mutually exclusive i.e., if one of the IV is present in an example the other will not be present.
Can I estimate linear regression coefficients with these IV and will it be statistically sound?
Thanks in advance :-)
IVs could look like this
IV1 IV2 intercept
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 0 1
0 0 1
IV1 IV2 intercept
1 1 1