The paper often suggests both standardized and unstandardized coefficients in the lasso model (glmnet in R).
However, when I run glmnet, the selected variable is different depending on standardized = True and False.
If I get standardized cofficients from six variables in lasso model, how do I get unstandardized coffiencients from those six variables?
Simply selecting standardized = FALSE in glmnet showed different variables.
(I got 6 variables from standardize = TRUE, but I got 2 variables from standardize = FALSE)
estimates a single hyperparameter $\lambda$ value. Therefore, usually standartization is expected and is enabled by default, since we want that one value of $\lambda$ to give an appropriate penalty for all variables simultaneously. On the other hand, Adaptive LASSO solves this problem differently -- here re-weighting the $\hat\lambda_j := \hat w_j \lambda_j, \forall j$ allows forstandardized = F
since the weights now also account for the scale, among other important qualities. $\endgroup$