To determine organic carbon concentrations in a water solution from UV spectroscopy I made a calibration curve with known carbon concentrations and measured the UV absorbance. I used R for the data analysis and the data are found below.
My question now is, how to determine the accuracy of my calibration curve. I would like to tell people that I can measure the concentrations with an accuracy of 15% or 4 mg l-1, for example. How can I go on with this? Can I just use the $R^2$ (0.91) and say that I have an uncertainty of 9% (1-0.91)? What is the correct way to do this?
concentration <- c(27.2,32.4,16.5,11.6,11.9,9.87,46.0,73.6,75.4,73.1,59.5,49.0,
absorbance <- c(0.764, 0.923, 0.678, 0.373, 0.287, 0.253, 1.660, 2.331, 2.255,
2.019, 1.130, 1.858, 2.404, 2.812, 2.362, 0.636)
plot(absorbance, concentration, xlab = "absorbance (254 nm)", ylab = "concentration (mg l-1)")
fit <- lm(concentration ~ absorbance)
lm_coef <- round(coef(fit), 3) # extract coefficients
myr2 <- format(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits = 2)
legend("topleft", legend = as.expression(c(bquote(paste("lin. equation: ",
y == .(lm_coef[2])*x + .(lm_coef[1]))),
bquote(paste("", R^2 == .(myr2))))), cex = 0.6)