My variables (all continuous):
- IVs: Secondary Traumatic Stress and Vicarious Traumatization
- Mediator: Social Support
I checked the correlations between the variables and they are all significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
I had a look at this video (duration 3'49"), but I fail to understand how the author finds out the mediation (I was expecting a special field for the mediator, a little bit like the covariate in an ANCOVA). The statistical result fails, in my mind, to show the mediation.
This document in German, on page 14, however, shows that in SPSS if we do:
- Analyze
- Generali Linear Model
- Univariate…
- Dependent Variable: PTSD
- Fixed Factor(s): STSS, VTS
- Covariate(s): Social Support
Results show statistically significant (p < .05) sources as follows:
- Corrected Model
- Intercept
Marginally significant (p = [.05; .10]):
- Social Support
Non significant (p > .10):
Adjusted R Squared = .416
But I cannot see the correlations.
Anyone has any suggestions on how to do a Multiple Linear Regression with meditation in SPSS (or R/RStudio if need be)?