This question is about Gaussian processes interpreted as distributions over the space of functions. Gaussian processes have the property that their integrals are Gaussian random variables; cf. this StackExchange post for a derivation. In particular, the integral of a zero-mean Gaussian process $X(t)$ over $t$ is almost always nonzero.
Does there exist a "canonical" distribution over functions $X(t)$ over $[0,1]^n$ that integrate to zero (almost always)?
Ideally, it'd be great to identify a distribution that's easy to work with computationally, e.g. one for which we can draw samples of $X(t_k)$ for some fixed/finite set of values $t_k\in[0,1]^n$.
Of course the simplest thing to do would be to subtract the mean, i.e. to take a standard zero-mean Gaussian process $X(t)$ and define a new function $X_{\mathrm{centered}}(t):=X(t)-\mathbb E_{t\in[0,1]}[X(t)]$, but I'm worried that this distribution is hard to work with computationally because it couples different $t$ values together in a way that requires knowing $X(t)$ for all $t$ to evaluate the function.