
I'm trying to use the sobol2007 model in the R sensitivity package. I'm doing runs on a model with 26 parameters, and using 2 sets of 500 monte-carlo samples to seed the analysis, and nboot=500. This results in 14k runs

When I generate the sensitivity results, I'm expecting numbers in 0..1, but I get both * negative numbers * very high numbers (e.g. 10)

When I plot the model, I can see that the confidence intervals are gigantic: Sobol sensitivity model output

It feels like 14k runs should be reasonable to estimate this number of parameters, but maybe I'm being overly optimistic.

Can anyone answer:

  • am I totally unrealistic, and/or how many runs should I be using?
  • can I read anything from these outputs, or are they essentially so noisy as to be worthless?
  • how should I be selecting nboot - there's no guidance in the docs?
  • $\begingroup$ The sample size seems very small for Sobol... Something in the four of five digits might help. $\endgroup$
    – Pascal
    Commented Oct 13, 2016 at 14:58
  • $\begingroup$ For the bootstrap, I think you might get away with 100. $\endgroup$
    – Pascal
    Commented Oct 13, 2016 at 15:01

2 Answers 2


Sobol sensitivity indices do not require zero mean function but estimation formulae are not robust at all. To avoid this kind of problem, a new formula has just been coded in the version 1.6 of the sensitivity package: soboljansen()


It looks like the sobol sensitivity model requires zero-mean data to function:

X1 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(8 * n), nrow = n))
X2 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(8 * n), nrow = n)) #Random samples
x <- sobol(model = NULL, X1 = X1, X2 = X2, order = 1, nboot = 100) #Create model, first order only
r <- as.matrix(x$X,ncol=8) %*% c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); #Response is proportional to factor number
tell( x, (r-mean(r))/sd(r) ); plot(x) #Standardised

Standardised response

tell( x, r-mean(r) ); plot(x) #Zero mean

Zero mean

tell( x, r ); plot(x) #Unprocessed


tell( x, r*1000 ); plot(x) #Scaled


tell( x, r+40 ); plot(x) #Offset


So altogether it looks like scaling doesn't make much difference, but a non-zero mean throws it off completely.


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