I am conducting a regression analysis of Z on X and Y. I am interesting in interpreting the marginal effect. The model includes quadratic terms for both X and Y as well as an interaction term X*Y. If I look at just the marginal effect of X on Z (the partial derivative of Z wrt X) I get the equation:
ME <- function(x, y){0.187 - 0.000472*x - 0.000252*y}
I am interested in the point at which this ME becomes zero and hence the partial effect becomes negative. I am calling this a "tipping point". So to calculate the tipping point, let the ME equation follow the form: 0 = a + bx +cy. Solving this for x gives the tipping point im interested in. Rather than taking this at face value, I would like to construct a distribution using a Monte Carlo simulation. I created the following r code:
a = rnorm(1000, mean=0.187, sd=0.016711349)
b = rnorm(1000, mean=-0.000472, sd=0.000046643)
c = rnorm(1000, mean=-0.000252, sd=0.00010862)
y = rnorm(1000, mean=16.53, sd=7.569)
x = (a+c*y)/-b
Where the means of a, b, and c are the parameter estimates from the regression and the SDs are their associated standard errors. The mean and SD of y are from summary statistics of the data.
What I am unsure of, is how to account for any covariance between any of a, b, and c? Or if there would be any issue to begin with?
P.S. I doubt the title of my question accurately reflects my question so it would be helpful if somebody could better characterize it