I am relatively new to R programming and I am using a dataset on Alzheimers disease and trying to predict Normal/Abnormal outcomes using several predictor variables and a logistic regression that divides outcomes to Normal/Abnormal (I grouped Alzheimers, mild cognitive impairment, impairment into the Abnormal category). When I run the logistic regression, I get: Warning messages:
1: In predict.lm(object, newdata, se.fit, scale = 1, type = if (type == :
prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading
How do you deal with this? Also, my confusion matrix is showing that the model is just predicting almost everything as well, leading to way too many false positives.
Any insights on how I've done and what I could do to improve would be greatly appreciated. A link to my code: https://github.com/asimonia/NACC.git All you need to do is change to the correct file path in the argument in the read.csv function.
Here are my results:
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.4612 -0.3743 -0.2637 -0.1828 3.5832
Coefficients: (2 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -9.479607 0.404849 -23.415 < 2e-16 ***
SEXFemale -0.330718 0.062027 -5.332 9.72e-08 ***
`EDUChigh school or GRE` 0.083953 0.161738 0.519 0.603714
`EDUCbachelor’s degree` 0.120916 0.163368 0.740 0.459212
`EDUCmaster's degree` 0.052916 0.166313 0.318 0.750358
EDUCdoctorate -0.432873 0.189831 -2.280 0.022589 *
NACCBMI -0.022288 0.006471 -3.444 0.000573 ***
SMOKYRS 0.002659 0.002755 0.965 0.334581
`PACKSPER1 cigarette to less than 1/2 pack` -0.116233 0.097550 -1.192 0.233448
`PACKSPER½ pack to less than 1 pack` -0.037703 0.104980 -0.359 0.719484
`PACKSPER1 pack to 1½ packs` -0.074125 0.133189 -0.557 0.577842
`PACKSPER1½ packs to 2 packs` -0.341374 0.175910 -1.941 0.052305 .
`PACKSPERMore than two packs` 0.017249 0.158228 0.109 0.913191
ALCOHOLActive 0.649711 0.357180 1.819 0.068911 .
ALCOHOLInactive 0.393085 0.133058 2.954 0.003134 **
CVHATTActive 0.332094 0.261834 1.268 0.204679
CVHATTInactive 0.116788 0.111267 1.050 0.293893
CBSTROKEActive 0.521873 0.250214 2.086 0.037006 *
CBSTROKEInactive 0.635339 0.118670 5.354 8.61e-08 ***
`HYPERTENRecent/Active` -0.047228 0.062215 -0.759 0.447787
`HYPERTENRemote/Inactive` 0.478778 0.118430 4.043 5.28e-05 ***
DEP2YRSYES 1.024557 0.063537 16.125 < 2e-16 ***
NACCAPOEe3e4 0.457120 0.066714 6.852 7.29e-12 ***
NACCAPOEe3e2 -0.192786 0.092721 -2.079 0.037600 *
NACCAPOEe4e4 0.839686 0.176109 4.768 1.86e-06 ***
NACCAPOEe4e2 0.547205 0.162910 3.359 0.000782 ***
NACCAPOEe2e2 -0.005128 0.376799 -0.014 0.989141
`NACCNE4S1 copy of e4 allele` NA NA NA NA
`NACCNE4S2 copies of e4 allele` NA NA NA NA
AGE 0.090927 0.003481 26.118 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 10969.4 on 24027 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 9630.1 on 24000 degrees of freedom
AIC: 9686.1
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction Normal Abnormal
Normal 7519 479
Abnormal 5 5
Accuracy : 0.9396
95% CI : (0.9341, 0.9447)
No Information Rate : 0.9396
P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.5121
Kappa : 0.0178