Preliminary comments
Cohen's Kappa is a multiclass classification agreement measure. It is Multiclass Accuracy measure (aka OSR) "normalized" or "corrected" for the chance agreement baseline. There exist other alternatives how to do such "correction" - for example, Scott's Pi measure. Below is an excerpt from my document describing my !clasagree
SPSS macro, a function calculating many different measures to assess/compare classifications (the complete Word document is found in "Compare partitions" collection on my web-page). The excerpt below displays formulae for the currently available multiclass classification measures:
Accuracy as it is is a Binary or Class-specific classification agreement measure. It is computed not for all classes at once but for each class-of-interest. Having been computed for each class k
of the K-class classification, it then can - if you wish - be averaged over the K
classes to yield a single value. Below is again a portion of my aforementioned document now introducing some of a lot of binary classification measures:
Now to note: When K=2
, that is, there are only two classes, then the average binary Accuracy is the same as the Multiclass Accuracy (aka OSR). In general, when K
, the number of existing classes, is the same in both classifications being compared, mean binary Accuracy and Multiclass Accuracy (OSR) are linearly equivalent (correlate with r=1).
Answer to the question
The following simulation experiment refutes the notion that Accuracy and Cohen's Kappa are monotonically related. Because your question is narrowed to K=2
class classification, the simulation creates random classifications with only two classes each. I thus simply generated independently 101 2-value variables. One of the variables I arbitrarily appointed to represent "True" classification and the other 100 to be alternative "Predicted" classifications. Because I did not generate the variables as correlated, the 100 classifications can be seen just random, blind "classifiers". I could have made them better than random by generating positively correlated variables - but that wouldn't drastically change the conclusion. I did not fix marginal counts, so classes were let to be moderately unbalanced.
The results of the comparisons of every of the 100 randomly built classifications (clas1 - clas100) with the "True" classification are below:
Binary Accuracy measure, after averaging its two values, is equal to Multiclass Accuracy (OSR), as was remarked earlier. Values of Kappa are generally low - but that is because our "classifiers" were on the average not better than random classifiers. The scatterplot of Kappa vs Accuracy:
As you see, there is no any monotonic functional relation; hardly even any correlation at all. Conclusion: One should, generally, not expect that "the model with higher accuracy will also have a higher Cohen's Kappa, i.e. better agreement with ground truth".
Addition. I also generated 100 classifications that are better than random classifiers w.r.t. the "True" classification. That is, I generated 2-value variables, as before, now positively correlated (with some random $r$ ranging within 0.25-1.00
) with the "True" classification variable. The scatterplot of Kappa vs Accuracy from this simulation:
As seen, only at very high levels of agreement between a Predicted and the True classification the relation between Kappa and Agreement approaches monotonicity.