I ran an ANCOVA model, to test the effect of treatment on the relationship between two continuous variables (elephant number and plant density) - please see more details in my last question (What statistical model can incorporate my categorical variable (2 levels) and 2 continuous variables?) but when visualizing my results on a scatterplot something isn't quite right. Here are my ANCOVA summary results:
lm(formula = eledens ~ treat * plants, data = elemice)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-7.102 -2.715 0.264 1.814 9.235
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 8.3028 1.8952 4.381 0.000097820 ***
treatMice added -0.7066 2.7105 -0.261 0.795810
plants 0.7368 0.1232 5.978 0.000000743 ***
treatMice added:plants -0.6840 0.1613 -4.241 0.000148 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 3.856 on 36 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7393, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7176
F-statistic: 34.04 on 3 and 36 DF, p-value: 0.0000000001308
And here is my plotting code trying to visualize the result:
plot(eledens~plants, data=elemice, type="n", xlab="Plant Density", ylab="Elephant Density")
points(elemice$plants[elemice$treat=="Control"], elemice$eledens[elemice$treat=="Control"], col="skyblue3", pch=16)
points(elemice$plants[elemice$treat=="Mice added"], elemice$eledens[elemice$treat=="Mice added"], col="salmon", pch=16)
abline(fit.mice$coefficients[1:2], col="skyblue3")
abline(fit.mice$coefficients[1]+fit.mice$coefficients[3],fit.mice$coefficients[2], col="salmon")
new.x <- rep(seq(min(elemice$plants), max(elemice$plants), len=100),2)
new.s <- rep(c("Control","Mice added"), each=100)
pred <- predict(fit.mice, new=data.frame(plants=new.x, treat=new.s), interval="conf")
pred <- data.frame(pred, treat=new.s, plants=new.x)
lines(new.x[1:100],pred[1:100,"lwr"],lty=2, col="skyblue3")
lines(new.x[1:100],pred[1:100,"upr"],lty=2, col="skyblue3")
lines(new.x[101:200],pred[101:200,"lwr"],lty=2, col="salmon")
lines(new.x[101:200],pred[101:200,"upr"],lty=2, col="salmon")
legend("topleft", pch=16, col=c("skyblue3","salmon"), legend=c("Control","Mice added"))
As you can see below (see output graph) the fitted lines from the coefficients look a bit odd, so does this mean my model is incorrect? Or have I assigned the coefficients incorrectly in the coding? I am fairly new to R coding, so advice on interpreting this would be much appreciated.