Defintion of hitting time in my textbook is written as so:
Let $(X_n)_{n\geq 0}$ be a Markov $(\lambda, P)$. The hitting time of a subset $A \subseteq I$ is a stopping time denoted by $H^A$ such that:
$$H^A(\omega)= inf\{n\geq 0 : X_n(\omega) \in A \}$$
This is basically "the first time you hit A".
Now the notation then that the book provides me with is:
$$h^A_i = \Bbb P_i(H^A \lt \infty)$$ and it mean that this is the probability that of hitting $A$ given I started at state $i$. The only thing I don't understand here is the "$H^A \lt \infty$" part. What does this intuitively mean?