I've scaled my data to be in the range 0-1. I've used this scaled data to train a deep neural network,
model.fit(xscaled,yscaled, verbose=0,epochs=180, batch_size=70, validation_split=0.2)
I've then used the sklearn rmse function to calculate rmse.
which has given me a value of 0.097. The data set I'm using has 22 input values, with 3 outputs. Im struggling to understand the single rmse value, considering I have 3 outputs. Is the rmse scaled because I scaled the data? I.e. because the data is scaled from 0-1, and I have an rsme of 0.097, this results in an error of 9.7%? I understand that rsme measures depends on the range of data to how 'good' the model is, but considering I have a multi output model with different ranges for the 3 outputs im not sure how this works. Thank you.