I am trying to perform a power analysis to determine what sample size to use for an experiment after performing a pilot study. However, the sample sizes are showing values that are way too high and not feasible. Is there any other type of power analysis that could be done to justifiably lower the sample size needed for my study? I used the WMWssp function in r which calculates sample size for wilcoxin rank sum tests since I am using count data (https://rdrr.io/cran/WMWssp/man/WMWssp.html).
My code in R is
WMWssp(c(69, 4, 62, 49, 0),
c(131, 41, 16, 0, 78, 38, 14, 157, 16),
alpha = 0.05, power = 0.8, t = 'min',
simulation = FALSE, nsim = 10^4).
It results in a needed sample size of 603 (297 in 1 group and 303 in the other) which is not possible to do because of financial and time limitations.