Let $\beta$ denote the unstandardized coefficient and $\beta^\star$ the standardized coefficient. The relationship between the standardized and unstandardized coefficient is as follows
\beta^\star = \beta\cdot\frac{s_x}{s_y}
where $s_x$ and $s_y$ denote the standard deviation of the respective predictor and the dependent variable, respectively. This assumes that both $x$ and $y$ have been standardized before the regression. The crucial thing is this: This relationship also holds for the standard error and confidence limits (see my answer here). Because you have both $\beta$ and $\beta^\star$, you can calculate the conversion factor $\frac{s_x}{s_y}$ and apply it to the standard error. Hence, to calculate the standard error for the standardized coefficient apply the following conversion
\mathrm{SE}^\star = \mathrm{SE}\cdot\frac{\beta^\star}{\beta}
If the confidence limits for the unstandardized coefficient are given, you can apply this conversion directly to the limits to get the CI for the standardized coefficient.
Here is a quick example in R
to check:
# Models
mod_unstand <- lm(Infant.Mortality~Fertility + Agriculture, data = swiss)
mod_fully_stand <- lm(scale(Infant.Mortality)~scale(Fertility) + scale(Agriculture), data = swiss)
# Save coefficients and standard errors
beta <- coef(mod_unstand)[2]
se_beta <- summary(mod_unstand)$coefficients[2, 2]
beta_star <- coef(mod_fully_stand)[2]
se_beta_star <- summary(mod_fully_stand)$coefficients[2, 2]
# Apply the conversion formula and compare it to the
# standard error for thestandardized coefficient
se_beta*(beta_star/beta) # Conversion
se_beta_star # Directly from the regression
[1] 0.1420434