I am trying to figure out how to form the truncated infinite AR weights for a general time series process.
$(1 - \phi_1 B - \phi_2 B^2 - ... - \phi_p B^p)(1 - B)z_t = (1-\theta_1 B - ... - \theta_q B^q)a_t$
Where $\phi \text{ and } \theta$ are some constants, $z_t$ is a series of measurements, $a_t$ is noise, and $B$ is the backshift operator $B * z_t = z_{t-1}$.
$\phi(B) = (1 - \phi_1 B - \phi_2 B^2 - ... - \phi_p B^p)\\ \theta(B) = (1-\theta_1 B - ... - \theta_q B^q)\\ \rho(B) = \phi(B) * (1-B)$
Then this model can also be represented as : $\rho(B)z_t = \theta(B)a_t$
It is known that these models, if stationary, can be represented by an infinite AR series: $$\Psi(B) = \frac{\theta(B)}{\rho(B)} = \frac{1-\theta B}{(1-\phi B)(1-B)} = \sum_0^\infty \psi_iB^i$$
But, $\Psi(B)$ does not converge if the difference operator $(1-B)$ is included in $\rho(B)$, and according to "Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control"(Box, Jenkins), this series is only valid if we use the "truncated form" of the model.
The truncated form consists of a sum of a homogeneous and complementary solution with respect to some time point $k$: $$ z_t = C_k(t-k) + I_k(t-k)\\ \rho(B)C_k(t-k)=0\\ \rho(B)I_k(t-k) = (1-\theta B)a_t\\ $$
Here, $C_k$ is the homogeneous solution, and $I_k$ is the complementary solution, where $I_k(t-k) = 0$ when $t\leq k$, and $k$ represents a value where the series is truncated, such as the first data point in some time series.
- How would one calculate the complementary function in practice?
The book gives the formula $$ I_k(t-k) = a_t + \psi_1 a_{t-1} + ... + \psi_{t-(k+1)} a_{k+1}\\ I_k(s-k) = 0 \text{ if } s \leq k $$
I was thinking I should write out the equation: $$\rho(B)I_k(t-k) = \theta(B)a_{t-k} = (1-\theta_1 B - \theta_2 B^2 - ... - \theta_q B^q) a_{t-k}$$ Then, possibly calculate $I_k(t-k)$ for every data point with $t \geq k$, equate coefficients of the left and right hand side, and solve using least squares if I have more data points than unknowns?
- How do I calculate the homogeneous solution in practice?
The book gives the formula
$$C_k(t-k) = G_0^{t-k}\sum_{j=0}^{d-1}A_j(t-k)^j + \sum_{j=1}^p D_j G_j^{t-k}\\ \text{where } \rho(B) = (1-G_1)(1-G_2)...(1-G_p)(1-G_0)^d$$
Here, $\rho(B)$ has been factored so that you can see it's roots $(G_i)$. This is a general formula given for a case when one factor of $\rho(B)$ repeats $d$ times
In this case, should I use a root solving algorithm to find the roots of $\rho(B)$? If so, would I then form a system of equations with 1 equation for each time $t$, and solve that system for the $A_j$ and $D_j$, probably using least squares since more equations than unknowns (1 for each data point)?