Could you please guide me to tutorials which help to interpret AFT model results (does group A and B have different survival probability or not)? I have done a lot of googling, but there is not much information available.
## Call:
## flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ group + age + sex +
## comorbidity, data = data, dist = "genf")
## Estimates:
## data mean est L95% U95% se exp(est)
## mu NA 15.62529 14.95734 16.29325 0.34080 NA
## sigma NA 2.65714 2.48783 2.83798 0.08926 NA
## Q NA -0.79804 -1.14869 -0.44738 0.17891 NA
## P NA 0.53072 0.23235 1.21224 0.22366 NA
## groupB 0.00433 0.44093 -0.49010 1.37197 0.47503 1.55416
## age 78.77030 -0.10538 -0.11199 -0.09877 0.00337 0.89999
## sexm 0.28273 -0.83899 -0.97916 -0.69881 0.07152 0.43215
## comorbidity 1.66034 -0.28185 -0.31697 -0.24674 0.01792 0.75439
## L95% U95%
## mu NA NA
## sigma NA NA
## Q NA NA
## P NA NA
## groupB 0.61256 3.94311
## age 0.89406 0.90595
## sexm 0.37563 0.49717
## comorbidity 0.72836 0.78135
## N = 11541, Events: 3851, Censored: 7690
## Total time at risk: 4024558
## Log-likelihood = -28894.55, df = 8
## AIC = 57805.09