I have a problem which I think should actually be really simple, but I can't see the solution and either it's more complicated than I realize or I just cannot figure out how to word it for Google.
I have two distributions, both generated by rolling some dice. For the sake of example, let's suppose that distribution A is created by rolling 2d20 and distribution B is created by rolling 3d10.
I have calculated the mean and standard deviation of both distributions.
My question is: how do I efficiently calculate and express the probability that a result from distribution A will be bigger than a result from distribution B?
To put that another way, if A and B are playing a game where their score comes from their die roll, what is the percentage chance that A will win?
I am aware that I could do this very easily by experiment (i.e. test it a million times and check how often it happens), but since I am doing this in Excel, I would prefer not to do that much computing if at all possible.