I am currently running GLMM in R for comparing correct response and response time in two groups (patients and control), each composed of males and females. I have 3 variables: Group, Sex. (inter subject) and Shift (intra-subject). Here are my R models (the first one for correct response and the second one for response time):
glm2A <- glmer (CR2 ~ GroupC * ShiftC * SexC + (1 + ShiftC ||ID) + (1| stim),
data = ESTdfWO1,
family = binomial (link = "logit"),
control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 100000)))
glmRT2 <- glmer (R2 ~ GroupC * ShiftC * SexC + (1 + ShiftC ||ID) + (1| stim),
data = ESTdfWO2,
family = inverse.gaussian (link = "identity"))
I have unequal sample size:
- 53 males and 47 females in the patient's group
- 60 males and 115 females in the control group.
I read that unequal sample size is not a problem with GLMM, but I don't find much on that (and one of my supervisor not agree with that, but I think she is most used to ANOVA and I know that it would be a problem with ANOVA).
Mainly, I would like to have advice (and reading recommandation) on:
- Are unequal sample size a problem for glmm? I would like to find paper that I can read and quote regarding this issue. Does anybody know some paper on it?
- If yes: What type of statistical analysis should I do instead? Should I drop women in my control group (the advice of one of my supervisor)
- If no: how GLMM take account for inequal sample size? Are there assumptions to check for GLMM (if yes, which ones?)
- Is it ok to use emmeans and pairs for post hoc test ( pair comparison) with unequal sample size? If not, what should I use (in R)?
Thank you for your help.