I am trying to better understand how changing a threshold affects a cross validation model. So if you trained a random forest model, the default threshold is threshold=0.5
. And I understand that if the predicted result gets a score >0.5
it is considered a positive case and vice versa. But if you have a 5-fold cross validation model, is the model looking at what happens in the first four folds, and then looks at the threshold in order to give you the results on the test fold OR does it apply the threshold on just the test fold? Or in other words, what does the threshold change? The results of the training folds or just of the testing fold?
I guess more technically speaking, looking at the example below, it appears that the results given for each fold is for the testing fold. So does that mean the threshold is evaluated on the testing fold and the training folds make don't care about the threshold?
#create a binary outcome on Sepal.Length
iris <- iris %>% mutate(Sepal.Length=ifelse(Sepal.Length>5.0,"aff","neg"))
ctrl <- trainControl(method="cv",
savePredictions = T)
model <- train(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris, trControl = ctrl, method=
"rf", preProc=c("center","scale"), metric="ROC",importance=TRUE, tuneGrid =
data.frame(mtry = 2))
#examine outcome at every fold
> print(model$pred)
pred obs aff neg rowIndex mtry Resample
#1 aff neg 0.616 0.384 7 2 Fold1
#2 neg neg 0.116 0.884 10 2 Fold1
#3 aff aff 0.602 0.398 15 2 Fold1
#4 aff aff 0.894 0.106 19 2 Fold1
#5 aff neg 0.706 0.294 25 2 Fold1
#6 aff neg 0.716 0.284 27 2 Fold1
#7 neg neg 0.020 0.980 43 2 Fold1
#8 neg neg 0.034 0.966 48 2 Fold1
#9 aff aff 1.000 0.000 51 2 Fold1
#10 aff aff 1.000 0.000 60 2 Fold1