I'm new in all this R and stats thing... I'm trying to understand de "logic" of the binary logistic regression but I'm stuck with a surprising result.
I have created a data frame with simulated data with n=10,000 and two variables: and independent variable ("prop") which is a proportion (from 0.1 to 0.5), and "VD" a binary dependent variable (1,0). The data frame is created so that all cases with "prop" < 0.3 have a value 0 in VD and all cases with "prop" >0.3 have a value 1 in VD. 50% of the cases with prop=0.3 have VD=1 and 50% VD=0.
Ok, this looks like a data frame with the ideal structure for a very good result in a binary logistic regression... since the two variables are made to be correlated, I expected the logistic regression coefficient of "prop" to be statistically significant...So, if you run the model, Nagelkerke R2 is high as expected... but I cannot understand why the logistic regression coefficient is non-significant
Here is the code:
data<-data.frame(aleat=runif(10000, min=0, max=1))
data$prop[data$ID>2000 & data$ID<=4000]<-.2
data$prop[data$ID>4000 & data$ID<=6000]<-.3
data$prop[data$ID>6000 & data$ID<=8000]<-.4
data$prop[data$ID>8000 & data$ID<=10000]<-.5
data$VD[data$ID>4000 & data$ID<=5000]<-0
data$VD[data$ID>5000 & data$ID<=6000]<-1
ggplot(data, aes(x=prop, y=VD))+
model<-glm(VD ~ prop, data=data, family=binomial())
PseudoR2(modelo5, which = "Nagelkerke")
Thanks in advance!