When looking at a glm with non categorical predictors I am given to understand that the intercept the the predicted value of your measure when all predictor variables are at 0.
This therefore means that when looking at the coefficients of such a glm we take the estimate to be the ratio change of the measure with a 1 unit increase in the predictor variable. The p-value associated with this then shows is this change is significant enough for that predictor variable to have an effect on the models predictive power?
However when we look at a glm with categorical variables the intercept is the value of your measure when all predictor variables are at their first factor level? How do I then interpret the p-values associated with these coefficients?
Here is an example model:
glm(formula = count ~ origin + variable + origin * variable,
family = "poisson", data = count_filt_FGT_free)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.6877 -0.6963 -0.3758 0.0306 5.1953
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.217065 0.110432 1.966 0.0493 *
originfree -0.247836 0.166794 -1.486 0.1373
variableDuplication 0.136576 0.151107 0.904 0.3661
variableKnown_target -1.634130 0.273254 -5.980 2.23e-09 ***
variablePhylogeny 0.125880 0.151485 0.831 0.4060
originfree:variableDuplication 0.008606 0.227974 0.038 0.9699
originfree:variableKnown_target 0.040197 0.408914 0.098 0.9217
originfree:variablePhylogeny 0.005696 0.228629 0.025 0.9801
The intercept is made up of the first factor level of origin
(FGT) and variable
(proximity). So when looking at the exp of originfree
estimate we see that the count changes by a ratio of exp(-0.247836) = 0.7804879
. Does the p-value associated with this (0.1373) show that for variableProximity
there is no significant difference when being originFree