I am preparing a data analysis for a longitudinal study investigating the effects of two treatments (A & B) over time with the following 4 groups:
- Group 1: Control (Saline)
- Group 2: Treatment A
- Group 3: Treatment B
- Group 4: Treatment A + Treatment B (same doses as group 2 & 3)
I am considering the following encoding schemes:
Make Saline, Treatment A, and Treatment B separate binary categorical variables to create a binary treatment vector [I(Saline) I(Tx A) I(Tx B)] (where I(x) is indicator function which equals 1 if x is present & 0 otherwise) with values as follows:
- Group 1 (Control - Saline): [1 0 0]
- Group 2 (Treatment A): [0 1 0]
- Group 3 (Treatment B): [0 0 1]
- Group 4 (Treatment A + B): [0 1 1]
Make Treatment Group a single categorical variable with 4 non-ordered categories:
- Group 1 (Control - Saline) = 1
- Group 2 (Treatment A) = 2
- Group 3 (Treatment B) = 3
- Group 4 (Treatment A + B) = 4
Make Treatment Group a single categorical variable with saline as base category & 3 non-ordered categories:
- Group 1 (Control - Saline) = 0
- Group 2 (Treatment A) = 1
- Group 3 (Treatment B) = 2
- Group 4 (Treatment A + B) = 3
Which encoding method would be the most appropriate?