Recently, I am thinking about this question:should I add new features based on raw features' differences?
Suppose I have 50k data and 20 features and it's a regression task. In data science practice, we usually add new features based on raw features. However, I don't know when we should add a new feature z(z = x1 - x2) into our model.
My Throughts
Here is my understanding:since feature is going to be dumped in models, so whether a feature works fine depends on both feature and model.
Let's take linear regression as an example:
fit1 = lm(mpg~ cyl+disp +hp +vs, data = mtcars)
data_add = cbind(mtcars,'c1' = mtcars$disp - mtcars$hp)
fit2 = lm(mpg~ cyl+disp + hp +vs + c1, data = data_add)
add_noise <- function(n){
res = NULL
for(i in 1:n){
data_add_noise = cbind(mtcars,'c1' = mtcars$disp - mtcars$hp + rnorm(nrow(mtcars),0,1))
fit3 = lm(mpg~ cyl+disp + hp +vs + c1, data = data_add_noise)
res = c(res,summary(fit3)$adj.r.squared)
> summary(fit1)$adj.r.squared
[1] 0.7359967
> summary(fit2)$adj.r.squared
[1] 0.7359967
> add_noise(10000)
[1] 0.7359121
In linear regression, if we put z = x1-x2 into our model, we will get a singular design matrix, which means R won't use z to fit coefficients. In other words, new feature z won't give any boost to our model performance.
If we use z = x1- x2 + rnorm(n=1,mean = 0,sd = 1) into our model, we will decrease our model performance since we introduce additional noise into our model.
However, if we use lgbm/xgboost/rf models, since tree model split nodes based on infomation gain/infomation gain ratio/gini impurity, our new feature z = x1 - x2 may helps with our model performance.
Whether we should add our new difference feature(z = x1- x2) into our model depends on model we use. I will be very grateful to see any other ideas!