As Roland writes, it comes down to the definition of $R^2$ in models with vs. without an intercept. More specifically, the difference lies in the calculation of the mean sum of squares.
We can inspect the code for summary()
by simply typing summary.lm
(without ()
). Here are the relevant parts:
> summary.lm
function (object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
z <- object
r <- z$residuals
f <- z$fitted.values
mss <- if (attr(z$terms, "intercept"))
sum((f - mean(f))^2)
else sum(f^2)
rss <- sum(r^2)
ans <- z[c("call", "terms", if (!is.null(z$weights)) "weights")]
ans$r.squared <- mss/(mss + rss)
The crucial point is the distinction on attr(z$terms, "intercept"))
, which is evaluated to 1
(converted to TRUE
) in your first model, but 0
) in the second. In the first case, mss
is calculated as the sum of the squared differences between fits and the overall mean, and in the second case, it is just the sum of the squared fitted values. We thus get different values for mss
. The rest of the calculation is identical.
We can calculate an example and reconstruct the different $R^2$s by hand:
> nn <- 10
> set.seed(1)
> X <- rnorm(nn)
> b <- X > 0
> y <- rep(0, nn)
> y[b == TRUE] <- 1
> y <- y + rnorm(nn)
> model0 <- lm(y ~ b)
> model1 <- lm(y ~ b - 1)
> mss0 <- sum((model0$fitted.values-mean(model0$fitted.values))^2)
> mss1 <- sum(model0$fitted.values^2)
> rss0 <- sum(model0$residuals^2)
> rss1 <- sum(model1$residuals^2)
> mss0/(mss0 + rss0)
[1] 0.1350045
> (rsq0 <- summary(model0)$r.squared)
[1] 0.1350045
> mss1/(mss1 + rss1)
[1] 0.4628321
> (rsq1 <- summary(model1)$r.squared)
[1] 0.4628321