So I am trying to use a Random Forest Regression on a dataset with a mix of categorical and numeric data types. The predictors are in X_train
and X_test
. I used a 80/20 split resulting in 256 vs 64 observations. I set up a preprocessing pipeline which imputes missing values with the median and then encodes the categorical variables (I used one hot for a binary variable, ordinal for another and hash encoding for the last since it had about 98 unique values). After that the pipeline fits the Random Forest. After the encoding the result is 19 predictors for the target variable I am trying to predict.
My problem is that when I run this on all of X_train
and measure the training accuracy and the performance on X_test
to form a baseline I am getting better results than running the cross validation using 5-fold CV. In fact here is my output:
For the baseline where I run the whole pipeline on X_train
R2 on training data: 0.9770830687502748
R2 on test data: 0.8590100930540333
RMSE on training data: 0.15177396779032892
RMSE on test data: 0.32237641157671765
Where I am using R2
value and the RMSE
as performance metrics.
For the cross validation I am using 5-fold and cross validating for max_depth
using a range values given by list(range(2,22,2))
. I get this from the cross validation:
RF best hyperparameters were: {'randomforestregressor__max_depth': 2}
R2 on training data: 0.7951554670350791
R2 on test data: 0.7737034455273433
RMSE on training data: 0.45376526245074367
RMSE on test data: 0.40842114225679055
Why is this happening? My understanding would be that it should have performed at least similarly, not significantly worse. I can't seem to pick out what the problem might be. I am using the same random_state
parameter for the baseline and for the cross validation are the same so it's probably not by chance either.
I guess my problem is similar to this person's post here? But it didn't seem like he had found an answer.
EDIT: Here is some more code as requested. I had to use some custom transformers because I need the output of the preprocessing to still be a dataframe. Here they are together with the final pipeline
import category_encoders as ce
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
def SimpleImputerDF(df):
"""Impute missing values of with median and return df"""
return df.fillna(df.median())
def BinariserDF(df):
"""Binarises new_store column in dataframe and drops other column"""
df_binary = df.copy()
if ('new_store' in list(df.columns)):
df_binary = pd.concat([df_binary, pd.get_dummies(df['new_store'])], axis=1)
df_binary = df_binary.drop(['new_store','no'], axis=1)
return df_binary
Ordinal = ce.OrdinalEncoder(cols='transport_availability') # ordinal encoding of transport_availability
Hash = ce.HashingEncoder(cols='county',n_components=7) # hash encoding of the county
preprocess = make_pipeline(FunctionTransformer(SimpleImputerDF), FunctionTransformer(BinariserDF), Ordinal, Hash)
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=500, random_state=12)
final_pipeline = make_pipeline(preprocess, rf)
clf = GridSearchCV(final_pipeline, hyperparam, cv=crossval, n_jobs=n_jobs) # cross validate
clf =, y_train) # fit model
Note I just reran the code cross validating for max_features
too to see if that made a difference. In both cases I am getting something VERY strange - when I try to get the best_score for the cross validated fit I am getting
This could be what's causing my problems. Do you know why this could be happening? I checked that there are no missing values after using preprocess
on X_train
by running preprocess.fit_transform(X_train)
and indeed there are none.
EDIT2: A suggestion was made that it may be my custom function BinariserDF
that is causing the problem. So I followed the suggestion and instead used make_column_transformer
instead using:
numerical_ix = X_train.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64']).columns
Binary = ce.OneHotEncoder() # binary encoding of new_store
Ordinal = ce.OrdinalEncoder() # ordinal encoding of transport_availability
Hash = ce.HashingEncoder(n_components=7) # hash encoding of the county
preprocessor = make_column_transformer((SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='median'), numerical_ix),
(Binary, 'new_store'),
(Ordinal, 'transport_availability'),
(Hash, 'county')
Running this with still gives me the strange nan
error. Any ideas?
equal to 2 when computing the base-line performance? 2. Give a more code as to why the baseline performance is trained/computed? 3. Use repeated cross-validation instead of a single repeat? 4. Potentially not use a train-test split. $\endgroup$RF.best_score_
. $\endgroup$cv_results_
come out NaN? Can you try removing subsets of the columntransformers to narrow down the problem? $\endgroup$