I was looking into Central Limit Theorems and how a CLT is derived and I found this source quite helpful. The only thing I am having trouble to comprehend is the transformation of the formula
$$\frac{\overline X_n - E[\overline X_n]}{\sqrt{Var[\overline X_n]}}\overset{d}{\rightarrow}Z$$
in the case of iid variables. With iid variables, the formula becomes
$$\sqrt{n}\frac{\overline X_n - E[X_i]}{\sqrt{Var[X_i]}}\overset{d}{\rightarrow}Z$$
because of
$$E[\overline X_n]=E[X_i]\quad \text{ and }\quad Var[\overline X_n]= \frac{Var[X_i]}{n}.$$ How can the two assumptions regarding the expected value and the variance be derived fromm iid variables and why is the variance of a single observation i divided by the number of observations n the same as varaince of the sample mean?