I have this question:
For each of the four interaction groups
(1) no smoking, no alcohol,
(2) smoking, no alcohol,
(3) no smoking, alcohol,
(4) smoking, alcohol
– produce plots of the estimated survival function based upon Aalen’s linear model, the Cox model fit with smoking status and alcohol use as covariates, the Cox model fit with smoking status and alcohol use as stratifying variables, and the unadjusted Kaplan-Meier estimates. Overlay the plots from the different approaches in single graphs for each of the 4 groups in different colors, i.e. you should produce 4 graphs, each with 4 estimated survival functions.
Smoke is a binary variable with 1=yes and 0=no. Alcohol is a binary variable with 1=yes and 0=no. I am struggling to get the interaction terms in this way. My output is this when I run the Aalen model with code
feed.amod <- aareg(feed.surv~smokef*alcoholf+poverty+racef):
aareg(formula = feed.surv ~ smokef * alcoholf + race + poverty)
n= 927
35 out of 48 unique event times used
slope coef se(coef) z p
Intercept 0.08770 0.001410 1.63e-04 8.610 7.02e-18
smokefsmokeNo 0.04260 0.000531 1.68e-04 3.160 1.60e-03
alcoholfalcoholNo 0.00756 0.000252 3.30e-04 0.765 4.44e-01
race 0.02980 0.000318 9.98e-05 3.190 1.42e-03
poverty -0.01300 -0.000253 1.74e-04 -1.450 1.46e-01
smokefsmokeNo:alcoholfalcoholNo 0.04170 0.000227 5.38e-04 0.421 6.74e-01
Chisq=21.32 on 5 df, p=0.000704; test weights=aalen
I am just needing help understanding how to extract the cumulative hazards for this Aalen model. From there, I am understanding that I need to use the exp(-H) to extract the estimated survival. Any help or nod in the right direction is appreciated!
to your model, or you can just usesmokef*alcoholf
to replace your additivesmokef+alcoholf
and it will be expanded out to include the individual and interaction terms. I suspect that you will still have questions after that, so please edit your question to show the revised model and to state your remaining questions. $\endgroup$predict
functions for regression models in R. and if not thensummary
methods. For objects of class:aareg I see neither. The code for plot.aareg is obtained withgetAnywhere(plot.aareg)