
I was wondering about the motivation behind the following definition of expected loss:

$$E[L] = \sum_{k} \sum_{j} \int_{R_{j}} L_{kj} p(x, C_{k})dx$$

where $L_{kj}$ is the loss matrix, in which $j$ is the predicted class and $k$ the true class, $R_{j}$ is the decision region corresponding to the $j$ class and $x$ is an input vector. For the sake of concreteness, let's assume we have only two regions $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ and that elements contained in $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ belong to class $C_{1}$ and $C_{2}$, respectively. For example, an element $x_{i}$ in region $R_{2}$ will contribute with the term:

$$L_{12}p(x_{i}, C_{1}) + L_{22}p(x_{i}, C_{2})$$

but $L_{22}$ probably is $0$ because the loss associated to predicting class $C_{2}$ when the true class is $C_{2}$ is what we want.

I understand that we want to minimize $E[L]$, so every time we predict the class incorrectly, we are increasing $E[L]$ according to $L_{kj}$ but why are we multiplying, in this example, the term $p(x_{i}, C_{1})$ or in general, $p(x, C_{k})$?

Simplifying, for every assignment of $x$ to the class $j$, we want to minimize:

$$\sum_{k} L_{kj}p(C_{k}|x)$$

but the question remains, why p(C_{k}|x)? By the way, I can see that the expectation requires a probability but I can't see why to choose the probability of the true class given $x$.



2 Answers 2


As you said, $L_{kk} = 0$ because you want to minimize the probability of misclassifying the sample. Then you want to minimize the area (where $p$ is the measure) of $\Omega-R_{k}$. The decision boundaries of your classifier define $R_{k}$. I hope that is clear.

Now, why $p(x,C_{j})$?. First, $p(x) = \sum_{i}p(x,C_{i})$. Now, let us assume that the $R_{i}'s$ form a partition of the space (i.e. $R_{i} \cap R_{j} = \emptyset$ if $i \neq j$ and $\cup_{k} R_{k} = \Omega$). Second, we know that $L_{kk} = 0$.

The probability of misclassification for each class, is the probability of assigning the sample to any other class, i.e.


If you substitute the above expressions and sum over k, you get your first expression.


$p(C_k|x)$ is your model in this case, the thing you are estimating. If it is not part of the loss, how would you optimize it?

  • $\begingroup$ Sure but why to take $C_{k}$ as opposed to $C_{j}$? $\endgroup$
    – r_31415
    Commented Feb 25, 2013 at 19:48
  • $\begingroup$ The probabilities will be normalized (summing up to one), thus will cancel out. Pushing one probability up will result in all other be pushed down. $\endgroup$
    – bayerj
    Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 17:17

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