The posterior distribution is using Bayes' rule
p(\theta | x ) = \frac{p(x | \theta) p(\theta)}{p(x)}
The uncertainty of $\theta$ is given by $p(\theta | x )$, which, loosely speaking tells you the probability of $\theta$ being equal to certain values. From the posterior distribution, the variance can be computed, which is a reduced measure of how wide the distribution is, but cannot replace the distribution itself in quantifying the uncertainty in $\theta$, expect for simple analytical distributions, such as the normal distribution etc. Typically, if $p(x | \theta)$ is widened, that is, increasing variance in $x$, then $p(\theta | x )$ is also widened.
The MAP is
\hat{\theta} = \text{argmax}_\theta p(\theta | x ) = \text{argmax}_\theta p(x | \theta) p(\theta)
which is an point estimate of $\theta$. The uncertainty of this point estimate is similar to that of the maximum likelihood estimator.
Both these methods assume that the model $p(x|\theta)$ describing the data is "correct". That is, statements made about the estimates should be: "assuming that the data follow our model, $p(\theta|x)$ is our estimate of the uncertainty in $\theta$". This is not the same as stating that the data is truly described by the model. However, if the data follow some other model, the estimated posterior distribution is typically wider than an estimated posterior distribution with data that follows our assumed model better. But then it is a discussion about appropriate models, which is another topic.