I have a problem which I have been overthinking for a long time.
Here my data structure:
- Y= quantitative variable
- T=time, 5 different cathegorical times (equally spaced)
- Group= I divide individuals in two groups based on an specific characteristic of my interest. (It's like a treatment)
- I=individual, 47 in total, but I have a lot of
measures by individual (random).
At first I try with a mixed effect model but because the non-normality and heterogeneity of residuals I decided try with gls to model the structure of residuals.
I made the following model with nlme package:
m1_gls<-gls(Y ~ Time*group, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | individual), bd, weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Time))
I chose this model based my data and the observation of its distribution in the plot. The summary of this model is the following:
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: Y ~ TIME * group
Data: bd
AIC BIC logLik
1073695 1073877 -536828.3
Correlation Structure: AR(1)
Formula: ~1 | individual
Parameter estimate(s):
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | TIME
Parameter estimates:
0 1 2 3 4 5
1.0000000 0.9351717 0.7442982 0.6263877 0.5363402 0.4993560
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 84.96208 0.5257654 161.59693 0.0000
TIME1 1.53680 0.7319807 2.09951 0.0358
TIME2 -18.47460 0.7040417 -26.24077 0.0000
TIME3 -33.28677 0.6986190 -47.64652 0.0000
TIME4 -40.68250 0.6884976 -59.08881 0.0000
TIME5 -47.62906 0.7114190 -66.94937 0.0000
groupL 2.38166 0.6887940 3.45773 0.0005
TIME1:groupL -6.40065 0.9600161 -6.66724 0.0000
TIME2:groupL -10.19750 0.9331267 -10.92831 0.0000
TIME3:groupL -4.98490 0.9298458 -5.36099 0.0000
TIME4:groupL -8.12306 0.9298256 -8.73611 0.0000
TIME5:groupL -3.27478 0.9769064 -3.35220 0.0008
(Intr) TIME1 TIME2 TIME3 TIME4 TIME5 groupL T1:L T2:L T3:L
TIME1 -0.718
TIME2 -0.747 0.536
TIME3 -0.753 0.540 0.563
TIME4 -0.764 0.548 0.570 0.576
TIME5 -0.738 0.530 0.551 0.556 0.565
groupL -0.763 0.548 0.570 0.574 0.583 0.564
TIME1:groupL 0.547 -0.762 -0.409 -0.412 -0.418 -0.404 -0.717
TIME2:groupL 0.563 -0.405 -0.754 -0.425 -0.430 -0.416 -0.738 0.530
TIME3:groupL 0.565 -0.406 -0.423 -0.751 -0.432 -0.418 -0.741 0.531 0.548
TIME4:groupL 0.565 -0.406 -0.422 -0.426 -0.740 -0.418 -0.741 0.531 0.547 0.550
TIME5:groupL 0.538 -0.386 -0.402 -0.405 -0.412 -0.728 -0.704 0.505 0.520 0.522
TIME5:groupL 0.523
Standardized residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-1.7182284 -0.8158252 -0.0727800 0.6805442 5.6095940
Residual standard error: 47.59601
Degrees of freedom: 106806 total; 106794 residual
I have validated this model with cross validation. The R2 wasn't the better 0.17, while RMSE was 39.5. One of the objetive of my model is get only one value by individual that represent him. My question is, how can I extract an unique value or get the solution by individual because gls() make a covariance matrix by individual and don't allow one include random effect. For that reason I have tried with lme() including individuals like random effects and extract each coefficient (ranef()) by individual. something like this: m1_lme<-lme(Y ~ Time*group, random=~1|individual, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | individual), bd, weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Time)) However, I found low variability explained by individuals (almost 5%) so I'm not sure if I should include the individuals like random effect in my model. Also, the residuals have a pattern.